Thursday, September 18, 2008

What Causes Dandruff?

Dandruff refers to the shedding of scalp skin resulting in white flakes scattered over the hair. This condition can happen to anyone but is usually found in people in their pre-teen and teen years. Dandruff causes the scalp an itchy and annoying feeling. It is normal for the body to shed skin. Skin cells are renewed each day and the body replaces the old skin cells. This normal process of skin regeneration does not exhibit visible signs of flaking.

Dandruff is the excessive shedding of skin cells on the scalp- ‘alive’ skin cells. Usually the cells are dead by the time they shed, and shed at a much slower rate in normal people. The most common internal causes of dandruff include poor hygiene, nutrition, lack of rest, hormonal imbalances, and stress. As far as external causes go, you can get dandruff from using gel and hair sprays, cold weather paired with dry indoor heating, or inadequate shampooing of the hair.

Stress, poor hygiene of scalp, over use of shampoos, under use of shampoo, chemical treatments that harm the hair and scalp etc. the incidence of dandruff is less in summer than in winter. We can deduce that less sun may be causing dandruff, but exposing more to sun may cause serious skin problems. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Any kind of health impairment is reflected on the health of one's hair as well. Intake of wrong food products, constipation or any infectious disease can lead to dandruff. Toxic conditions due to intake of wrong food products are considered a major cause of dandruff. Also application of harsh chemical hair products or harsh shampoos can also lead to dandruff problems. Other causes include extreme climatic conditions, emotional stress, general exhaustion or use of damaging shampoos.

If you are using a lot of different products on your hair, try cutting back on them, or changing brands. Sometimes, certain hair products are harmful to certain people because the chemicals in the products do not match with your body chemistry. If this is the case, simply changing brands might solve some of your issues. Also, if you are using many different products, try cutting back to just one. Often you do not need that many products in your hair, and using so many might contribute to dandruff or other problems.

Dandruff is a fungal growth on scalp, around eye brows, behind ears and sometimes on the chest. The clinical name for dandruff is seborrheic dermatiti. There could be many causes for Dandruff. Stress could be one of the reasons. When stressed you secrete a oily serum on the scalp which can aggrivate the dandruff condition. Other reasons could be not giving enough circulation to the scalp. It is very important to comb your hair everyday to regulate blood circulation to the scalp and activate the sebaceous glands.

The dandruff itself is usually a result of the excessive growth of yeast organisms such as Zithers organisms are normally always present on the skin in small numbers and feed on the natural oil (sebum) secreted by your hair follicles. When they multiply they can irritate the skin and end up causing the visible flaking that we know as dandruff.

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