Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Immune System Booster

Immune system diseases can be divided into two basic categories. There are dysfunctions or diseases of the immune system in which the body’s ability to fight disease is impaired and dysfunctions or diseases of the immune system in which the immune system overreacts to stimuli, causing damage to the other organs or systems of the body.

There is still much that is unknown about how the immune system functions. New research indicates that some diseases which had been blamed on an overactive immune system may actually be caused by bacterial infection. Thus, vaccines can help the immune system fight these diseases. Operating under the assumption that these diseases were caused by an overactive immune system, doctors have prescribed immune system suppressants.

The first category of the problems is the immunodeficiency disorders. It can be primary or acquired. The second category of the immune systems disorders is the autoimmune disorders in which the immune system attacks its own cells.

Does chronic stress effect the immune system response to immunizations?

Studies have shown that chronic stress may impair a person’s response to immunizations. The relationship between stress and the immune system is currently being studied by scientists and researchers, particularly as stress and the immune system pertains to AIDS and other diseases and dysfunctions of the immune system.

Vitamin C supplements can be boost immune system strength if dietary amounts are inadequate. In addition those who are under stress, taking antibiotics, aspirin, sulfa drugs or using tobacco products, may need additional Vitamin C for use as an immune system booster and for overall good health. Stress and the other substances mentioned have a “canceling” effect on Vitamin C.

Can supplements counteract the effect of stress on the immune system?

Clinical studies have not been done concerning the improvement in immune system responses among people who use health supplements and are under chronic stress. Studies have shown that AP increases white blood cell counts in person’s using the herb, which could counteract the lowered white blood cell counts in persons under chronic stress.

An interesting herb for immune system health is Andrographis Paniculata or AP for short. AP has a history of use in traditional Chinese medicine for the effective treatment of infection, cold, fever and inflammation. Scientists who study herbs used in traditional medicine have shown that AP may be effective for the treatment of influenza, by reducing recovery time and the risk of complications. While some herbs designed to provide an immune system boost may be toxic when used for extended periods of time, AP has been shown in animal studies to have no toxic effect.

Does stress damage the immune system on the long term? It can, if persistent stressful situations, such as a high-pressure job or an unhappy relationship, do not allow the body to return to a normal relaxed state. Instead of boosting the immune system, chronic stress appears to blunt the immune response, increase the risk for infections and impair a person’s response to immunizations. Studies have shown that people under chronic stress have lower than normal white blood cell counts, are more vulnerable to colds and other viruses, take longer to recover from them and experience worse symptoms than people who do not have high stress levels.

Read About Natural Remedies Also Read About Immune System Booster and Wheat Grass

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