Monday, October 6, 2008

Eczema Skin Symptoms

Even though many people have eczema, the symptoms can vary quite a bit from person to person. In this article we will look at some of the different eczema skin symptoms. Symptoms can vary, but generally, all types of eczema have some symptoms in common: skin itching, redness and tiny bumps or blisters. Many things can contribute to these symptoms. For example, if you started using a new shower gel or body lotion before the symptoms appeared, mention this to your doctor because a substance in the cream or lotion might be irritating your skin.

The most common type of eczema is the atopic eczema. This type of eczema is found in almost one in six children, but the majority of those children get ride of eczema in their teen years. There are cases when eczema will continue in adulthood, as well. All the different types of eczema have symptoms and causes that are different from a type of eczema to another, but the differences are slight. Here are the eczema types that one can have. First there is the allergic to contact eczema.

As many a one in five children may suffer from atopic eczema. This eczema type is considered to be hereditary. Contact eczema is another type of eczema, that develops when you have been in contact with something that your skin does not approve of. It has similar symptoms to atomic eczema. Another type of eczema is the allergic contact eczema. Most of the people that suffer from this eczema are not born with this sensibility, but develop it in time.

Eczema treatment is possible. And you can live a healthier and better life with the right treatment. For that you have to see a good doctor and take the right medicines strictly and on a regular basis. And apart from the regular check ups and the treatments, you also have to take care of yourself at home. But before we get onto the eczema treatment and the precautions you need to take, let us see what exactly eczema is. Eczema is a skin disease which occurs due to allergic reactions. It is also known as dermatitis where the skin becomes itchy or flaky.

Eczema is a skin disorder that can affect a baby right up to someone elderly. It is non contagious. Some say that it is a condition that is hereditary. So if your parents have eczema, you are more likely to have this disorder. Atopic eczema is the most common type of eczema . It inflicts about one out of every eight or nine children. Although the figures look alarming, the good news is that about three quarters of the young kids who develop eczema skin symptoms outgrow their condition before their teens.

Eczema is a general term for several types of skin inflammation. Atopic dermatitis is the most common form all types of eczema. Atopic dermititis is often related to an inherited tendency toward other allergic conditions, such as asthma and hay fever. Atopic dermatitis is associated with a malfunction of the body’s immune system caused possibly by genetic or environmental factors. Some experts claim that these factors cause the immune system to be confused and skin inflammation results.

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