Saturday, October 18, 2008

Symptoms of Head Lice

Lice are spread by direct contact with a person who is infested. Body lice are spread through first person contact with the body, clothing or any other items of a person that are already infested with lice. Pubic Lice are most often spread by intimate contact with an infested person. Head lice take place on the head hair of a person, body lice on the clothing, and pubic lice mainly on the hair in the groined region of a person.

Each lice egg may hatch one nymph that will grow and develop to the adult size live. Lice when fully grown are about the size of an average sesame seed. Lice will feed on blood off their carrier once or more a day by piercing the skin where they are located with their tiny sharp mouth parts. Most commonly symptoms of lice infestation include itching. If excessive this itching or scratching of the infested areas can cause sores. This sore area’s can become infected.

A lice comb is used to separate your child's hair into small stands that can easily be searched for lice. You then pick the lice out systematically. Make sure that as you search through the hair you can see the scalp and that you have picked all the lice out. If you leave just one, the infestation will be back in a few days. You will also need to buy a special shampoo, available at most drug stores that will kill any lice eggs. This shampoo is easy to use and will help to cure your lice problem. However, the shampoo alone does not work in completely ridding you of lice.

When you observe your child consistently scratching his head, it is a good idea to examine their hair for a head lice infestation. A persistent itching on the head is a common symptom of head lice. The itching associated with head lice is usually caused by an allergic reaction to the louse bites, and as they are continually biting, it is nearly impossible to be rid of the itching without treating the infestation. People who are infested with head lice will frequently feel a tickle like feeling in the hair, as if something is moving around in the hair, and on the head.

Sium sanctum is a herb which protects the hair from lice and can be used as a preventive measure. Hair shall be exposed to proper ventilation and shall also be kept dry. Natural way to achieve this is to take sunbath for a few minutes every day. Proper combing also plays a vital role in lice control but alone is not a head lice remedy. Lices can move from one head to another through the medium of Comb. Hence separate comb for each person is recommended.

The lice feasts on the person's blood and the bite can cause itching. If you or a member of your family suffers from irritation and scratching of the scalp and back of the neck, head lice could be the cause. Close inspection of the head should reveal tiny, off-white or dark eggs (nits) firmly attached to the hair, chiefly at the nape of the neck and over the ears.Hair lice can be eliminated with effective lice shampoo once it is used correctly. However many parents are concerned about using those particular products because they contain pesticides in most cases.

Read about Natural Remedies also know more about Cough Medicine and Upper Respiratory Infection

1 comment:

marlon said...

My daughter always using hairspray and after a few months she complained that her scalp became itchy...i think it’s the head lice attacking her hair. I think it’s the kind of hair spray or hair spray can attract head? Is there any head lice treatment.