Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Information on Yellow Jaundice

Jaundice may be caused by a diseased or damaged liver which affects the normal secretion of bile pigment. The flow of bile from the liver to the intestines may be blocked by gallstones, tumors or parasites. This type of jaundice is characterized by clay-colored stools and light yellow or brownish-green urine. The liver is enlarged in this case and could be damaged unless the obstruction is removed. "Infectious diseases such as malaria and pneumonia cause jaundice. They may damage the blood, excessively destroying blood cells whose pigment may be deposited in the tissues.

There are other causes for jaundice, which are not quite as benign. A very rough birth, which has caused bruising to a baby or large hematomas, may cause jaundice within the first 24 hours after birth. Jaundice so early may also indicate infection or RH incompatibility. The latter two are serious matters that need to be brought to the attention of a physician right away. Usually babies are screened before leaving the hospital, but some women do leave before 24 hours has passed from the birth of their child. It's a good idea to be watchful if you see jaundice in newborns within the first 24 hours.

From cowards being branded “yellow” to tying yellow ribbons on trees in hopes of a soldier’s safe return, yellow has earned a very diverse range of meanings. Yellow shines like the sun, fills us with joy and imparts a generally cheerful outlook. Of all the colours, yellow is definitely the mellowest. Yellow warns us of coming dangers as seen in construction signs and the amber light that warns us of the impending red. Yellow stimulates the mind. Communication, memory, logic and concentration will be amplified in a room with yellow walls - this makes it a wonderful choice for an office, library or child’s playroom.

The main symptoms of jaundice are headache, fever, extreme point weakness, yellow eyes, skin, tongue, Dark urine, Light-colored stool. The patient also feels abdominal pain or swelling in the liver region. At the starting movement jaundices also irritates with intense itching. Now we will know about the treatment of jaundice. Because jaundice is not a specific disease so it is important for you that you should diagnosis of all the specific causes of the jaundice and treatment directed at the specific cause such as removing a gallstone that is blocking the bile duct, your jaundice will disappear. Some home cures for jaundice are the green leaves of radish very valuable remedy for jaundice.

It is important to diagnose as it may be confused with serious and dangerous liver conditions. A simple blood test is done to determine if Gilbert's Disease is present. In most cases a CBC count will be taken to rule out other causes along with a Lactate dehydrogenates level. In person's with hemolytic the level will be high however, with patients will Gilbert syndrome will be normal. A liver function test may also be done to ensure that there are no other known causes. Typically, no treatment is necessary. More often the treatment focus is on the underlying condition that brought on the flare up.

Jaundice is a malfunction of the liver when too much of bilirubin is produced and the liver is unable to remove it, or if the liver has a defect and cannot remove the bilirubin from the blood and the third reason is when the bile duct is blocked and the flow of bilirubin and bile to the intestines is restricted. The bile duct could be blocked for several reasons like if the person has gall stones, cancer or an inflammation of the bile duct.

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