Monday, December 22, 2008

Common Cold Remedy

If you are looking for a good cold sore remedy, you're not alone. Cold sore effect millions of us every day. Cold sores are normally caused by a herpes virus (HPV) that lays dormant in the body and becomes active later when something triggers it. There are many a cold sore remedy that you can use to reduce the severity and number of outbreaks that you have. The secret of a good cold sore remedy is that it addresses the things we know trigger the HPV virus and ultimately, cold sore outbreaks.

Treating a cold sore with these cold sore quick remedy will give you quick and lasting relief. Read this informative article right now. Whenever you feel a cold sore coming, you can take action quickly and this will help reduce the amount of time you'll have to put up with the cold sore.

The home remedies for your cold sores are:

1. Placing a tea bag on your cold sore is the first home remedy. Tea bags have an acid in them called tannic acid. It's effective at stopping breakouts. Using tea bags will help you reduce the pain of your sore and help decrease its development.

2. Another home remedy for cold sores is to use ice. Using ice will help you prevent breakouts. If you feel that you're about to have a breakout, place some ice on the area, and it will help keep it from developing.

3. Using aloe is another home remedy for your cold sores. Place the juice from aloe leave on your sores to help get rid of it and to help reduce the development of your sore.

4. Another remedy for cold sores is to apply witch hazel on your sores. This will help relieve some pain.

5. The fifth remedy for your cold sore is to apply petroleum jelly onto your sores. This will help keep them from cracking or spreading.

Cold sore is highly contagious and you have to be careful not to infect others. You also need to practice good hygiene and keep cold sore to yourself. Change your tooth brush after the break out and after the cold sore has completely healed to make sure you are using a virus-free tooth brush.

These are some home remedies for cold sores. If you have sores, you need to do something about it now. If you wait too long, you might be at risk of a severe breakout. You need to learn how to cure your sores, so that you won't ever have a breakout again.

Boost your immune system. Another quick remedy for cold sore is to eat a well balanced diet and get enough sleep to boost your immune system and keep your body strong and healthy. A strong and healthy body has strong resistance to viruses.

Cold compress is also one quick remedy for cold sores. The application of cold compress on the affected area relieves the pain and swelling.

Commercial products like creams acts as immediate remedy for cold sores but most of the time it is only a temporary relief and the cold sore keeps coming back.

Read About Natural Remedies Also Read About Common Cold Remedy and Cures for a Sore Throat

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