Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Relieving Constipation

Constipation is one of the most annoying conditions where the fecal matter traveling through your colon remains too long in your colon right before traveling out the rectum. It is a condition that tells you that either your colon is not working properly or that you have some underlying gastrointestinal disease.

If you are experiencing constipation, it is due to too much toxic build up In your colon.

You may be surprised to learn that the average person carries anywhere from 5-40lbs of feces full of toxins inside their colon.

While it can be said that there are varied treatments for constipation with irritable bowel syndrome, research is still being conducted into what drug would be able to specifically and wholly treat every case of constipation with irritable bowel syndrome. As of now each individual might have to learn by a trial and error method as to what is ideal for them.

The loosening of muscles and deficiency of calcium can result in malfunctioning or deterioration of the muscles which aid peristaltic actions and standing. The damages to these muscles result in diseases such as constipation, leg pain, frequent/uncontrolled urination, and diarrhea. Constipation and leg pain may also arise as a result of the diseases affecting the urinary system such as uterine fibroids.

Constipation is generally caused by disturbance of how the intestines work. Other causes of constipation are: Poor diet Lack of exercise not adequate fiber in diet, not sufficient liquids, irritable bowel syndrome, and changes in life or routine such as pregnancy, older age, travel.

Aromatherapy is Nature's Medicine in its purest and most essential form. Aromatic Oils are the very soul of a plant. Even a drop or two can produce significant results for your body, mind and spirit. Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and may produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding serious health concerns and do not attempt to self diagnose.

Wormseed - This is another of the best constipation cures there is. Wormseed kills any intestinal or bowel parasites, without getting rid of our own natural ‘good bacteria.' The good bacteria in our bodies, and intestinal tracts is there to keep harmful fungus and bad bacteria in check. This herb prevents both diarrhea and constipation, which is great because we want to be somewhere right in the middle, not off in one extreme or the other!

Most conventional methods to treat constipation are not that much of benefit and can also result in side effect. That does not mean constipation is not curable. It is sure, but it should be treated from its root cause and there are lots of natural remedies for constipation, which works like a charm in treating constipation whether it is chronic or acute.

Finally, exercise is a very effective means to treat constipation. Try a few minutes walk after each meal to promote better digestion. A deskbound existence is not very promising when it comes to breaking down food properly and eliminating toxins regularly. Keeping a light exercise regimen such as walking, gardening, and light housework will engender better blood circulation and a healthier digestive system, thus preventing constipation.

Read About Natural Remedies Also Read About Reducing Cholesterol and Relieving Constipation

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